Happy summer holidays 2024!

I will not post anything this month, sorry: I am on holidays, starting in a few days, and for about one month. Said otherwise: I have tried finding some time to write up on something before leaving off, but I will not manage to do so this time. Hence there will be no serious July 20th, 2024 post, sorry. I will definitely try to post something on August 20th, and I already have something in mind.

I am taking the opportunity to say that, after more than 10 years of posting every month, I may start slowing down a bit. Each post takes me between three days and one week of work, and it is getting harder and harder to find the time to write them.

In the meantime, you might want to attend the 10th International Symposium on Domain Theory, which will take place in Qufu, Shandong, China, 2-5 August 2024. I won’t be there (remember, I will be on holidays), but many others will. Otherwise, let me wish you a happy summer holiday!

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