Category Archives: Uncategorized

X. Jia’s well-filtered, non-sober dcpo

[Business as usual, despite all viruses!] Peter Johnstone once showed the existence of a dcpo J that is not sober in its Scott topology. That dcpo is not well-filtered either. Is there a dcpo that is not sober but is … Continue reading

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Dcpos built as graphs of functions

Let X and P be two dcpos, and let ψ be a map from X to P. When is the graph of ψ a dcpo? I will give you a funny sufficient condition, which involves the so-called d-topology, and Hausdorffness. … Continue reading

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Borel sets, analytic sets, and the Baire property

Let me venture into the realm of σ-algebras. Yes, you might say, that is measure theory, not topology… but topology plays an important role in measure theory and, for that matter, descriptive set theory. I will tell you about sets … Continue reading

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The Rasiowa-Sikorski lemma and the Baire property

Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year, too. There are incredible links between logic and topology, and I would like to start with something called the Rasiowa-Sikorski lemma in logic. That is a theorem that states the existence of certain … Continue reading

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Quotients, colimits of dcpos, and related matters

How do we build colimits in the category Top of topological spaces? This is easy: we take the quotient of a big disjoint sum. How do we build colimits in the category Dcpo of dcpos? This is a much more … Continue reading

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Core-compact+well-filtered T0=sober locally compact

Last time, I motivated the construction of the well-filterification Wf(X) of a space X of X. Xu, Ch. Shen, X. Xi and D. Zhao by saying that it was needed to understand their proof of the fact that every core-compact … Continue reading

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Xiaodong Jia once asked the following question: is every core-compact, well-filtered space automatically locally compact? The question was solved positively this year by J. Lawson and X. Xi. I originally planned to try and explain their result. Even more recently, … Continue reading

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Sober subspaces and the Skula topology

It often happens that one wishes to show that a certain subspace A of a given sober space X is sober. The following is a pearl due to Keimel and Lawson, which was mentioned to me by Zhenchao Lyu in … Continue reading

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Bc-hulls and Clat-hulls

Bounded-complete domains (bc-domains) are an incredibly useful form of continuous dcpos. Given a continuous dcpo X, is there a completion of X as a bc-domain, for example a free bc-domain on X? That does not exist in general, but Yuri … Continue reading

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Shimrat’s theorem

Marcus Tressl just found a horrible mistake in the book: I had claimed that the T0 quotient of the topological quotient of any sober space by any equivalence relation is sober, but that is completely wrong. In fact, Moshe Shimrat … Continue reading

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